The final practice in 2020 and promotion examination
On Sunday, December 27, Daito-ryu Aikijujutsu Setagaya Branch had the final practice in 2020 along with the promotion examination.
In the practice session, we practiced the basic method of movement (standing, sitting, posture, walking, turn, shikko, etc.). And in the promotion examination, in accordance with the format of the promotion examination of the headquarters, I rigorously examined the examinees for etiquette, behavior and 10 to 30 techniques of the Hiden-mokuroku 1-kajo.
Based on the results of the examination and the number of days of practice, 2 students were certified as 7th kyu and 3 students were certified as 8th kyu.
It is not just the 7th or 8th kyu, but the first “kyu” to be issued by the Setagaya branch, the “kyu” as a result of practice overcoming the Covid-19 disaster this year, and the “kyu” that will firmly connect to the black belt in the future. They are the special 7th and 8th “kyu” that I am proud of as the branch chief.
By this event, we managed to finish the year’s practice safely without any injuries or accidents. We would like to express our deep gratitude to Kondo Katsuyuki Somucho (General Affairs Director), Kondo Masayuki Hombucho (Headquarters Director) and other related parties for their support and cooperation.
Next year, the Setagaya branch will continue to practice steadily and faithfully to the basics. Your continued support would be highly appreciated.
Hideto Usuyama
Vice Headquarters Director and Setagaya Branch Chief
Daito-ryu Aikijujutsu