Italy Seminar 2024

From April 27th to 30th, 2024, the overseas seminar was held in Modena and Reggio Emilia in Italy, and Kondo Masayuki Hombucho and myself participated from Japan. (The headquarters’ HP:

A total of 75 participants from 13 countries gathered in Italy for the first time in 6 years, and we were able to hold very fulfilling seminars over four days, including the open seminar which were attended by non-students and the Itto-ryu seminar as well. This was also a memorable seminar, marking the 15th anniversary of the first overseas seminar held in Italy in 2009.

We would like to express our sincere gratitude to the organizers of this seminar, Maestro Risco Giuseppe (the Chief of Italian Group), Alex Muracchini (Branch Chief of Carpi), Luca Canovi (Branch Chief of Reggio Emilia) and Paolo Boccaletti (Branch Chief of Milan) who led the seminar to success with their thorough preparation and meticulous consideration, and to the Italian students and their families who supported them devotedly and welcomed us with their hearts.

Hideto Usuyama
Kyoju-dairi, Vice Headquarters Director and Setagaya Branch Chief
Daito-ryu Aikijujutsu